Chariot of Fire

Chariot of Fire

Monday, February 28, 2011

Fiddler on the Roof

Noah’s Day (Fiddler on the Roof)

     As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the last days: People marrying, buying, and selling, carrying on as if nothing were amiss.
  I thought of this in realizing that the entire world is in crisis, including our once wonderful country called the United States of America.
     And as the world turns – with virtually every Mid-East nation in chaos – what is our commander in chief doing? Being entertained with Mo-town music in the White House.
     Has there ever been a greater example since Nero’s day, where the infamous words of history better applied? He fiddled, while Rome burned.
     The world, our country – mired in indebtedness too great to ever be paid off, with a deficit too great to ever get out from under without drastic cost-cutting measures – is in dire straits.
     And what is our leader doing? Acting like a king: Jetting off to here, there and everywhere, campaigning as usual, presenting a budget that addresses none of this country’s major concerns, apologizing to the world for America, and never, it seems, staying home at the White House and doing some real work to reduce unemployment, cut deficit spending and get us out of the fiscal mess he’s largely responsible for getting us into in the first place.
     How many vacations, how much entertainment at the Capitol, how much empty speech-making from a teleprompter can one foist upon a hurting country, before not only the people, but the sycophantic media rise up and say, ‘enough is enough. Do something constructive.’
     A cynic, whom I am, would say that all of the inflicted hurt upon this nation that has been inflicted in the last two years, was deliberate. To what end?
     The systematic destruction of a once all-powerful and God blessed nation can only come from some diabolical scheme to radically transform us into something God and the founding fathers never desired. What the Muslims since 9/11 haven’t been able to accomplish from without, is being accomplished from within.
     America will never be the same, regardless of who is elected in 2012, and neither will the world. No one can put humpty dumpty back together again, for he is too mutilated for repair.
     How’s that hope and change working out for you, America?

Saturday, February 26, 2011


“Our True Deliverance” (Gold)

     The Bible, God’s revelation to all who will embrace it, speaks in graphic terms of great upheavals in the latter days, leading to the Lord Jesus’ return in glory.
     We’re seeing all about us, domestically and globally, what Paul in the Book of Hebrews described concerning the last days in which you and I are privileged to inhabit:
     Hebrews 12: 27 – “And this word, YET ONCE MORE, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.”
     As the singer/songwriter Barry McGuire wrote in what now seems like a lot less troublous time, it seems we truly are “On the Eve of Destruction.”
     And what is the world turning to as a source of stability in times of turbulence, not only in the Mid-East, but the U.S. as well?
     Not God, but gold.
     Commercials in print, on radio and TV, all push the supposedly solid foundation that gold can provide.
     In this time of the devalued dollar, pending hyper-inflation, and economic anxiety, it could appear as a safe haven.
     But what does the Holy Bible, the word of God, say about gold in the last days?
     Zephaniah 1: 18 – “Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD’s wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.”
     And Ezekiel 7: 19 – “They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed (become as refuse): their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: ….”
     The Day of the Lord spoken of here begins with the Rapture of the church, includes seven years of tribulation upon the Earth, culminating with the return of Jesus – with His church – in glory, to establish His reign upon His creation.
     Our deliverance, as believers, depends not on gold or silver (some are even hoarding copper), but on the Name of the Lord.
     Trust not in the world’s chariots, but the chariots of fire that emanate from the throne of Heaven.
     Put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, Who will never leave nor forsake those who love Him.